

Krovor is travel insurance company that specifically targets millenials that move around with expensive gadgets and equipments.


I was tasked with branding, ux research and interface design.


4   4 Stationery mockup

Getting informed

I kicked off the user interface design with getting myself acquainted with existing systems that offer the same services as Krovor intends to offer (or closely related).

Here is a list of organizations I found:
- InsureMyEquipment ( )
- worldnomads ( )
- Travel Guard by AIG ( )

After using these products I wrote down a few things:
- Insurance fees are mostly auto generated based on equipment type, travel distance and equipment cost.
- After getting a quote, users have to fill a lengthy form which is quite discouraging.
- Most insurance platforms do not have a management dashboard for their users to manage policies. They rely on email threads to communicate and keep account of activities.
- All of them assume the user is already acquainted with insurance policies.


I conducted a survey to gather more information on what potential users know about insurance policies. 7 questions were asked, at least 35 people responded to the survey. All the results are here
Some survey results
4 Stationery mockup 4 Stationery mockup 4 Stationery mockup

Deductions & Personas

From the survey i deducted that:
- Most Digital Nomads are millennials who are either software engineers or designers. These statistics are also confirmed in an article by Clements & Co.
- The reason why most nomads don’t pay for insurance is because they have no idea about it.
- The most valuable equipments nomads travel with are their laptops, cameras and phones.
4 User Persona 4 User Persona

Design Principles

- Users must get an education about the importance of insurance and how it works
- Insurance coverage must be short and precise
- Suggest policies based on a user’s behavioural pattern
- Policy Management must be simple and easy
- Settings should include: profile management and payment options.
- A blog platform for suggesting destinations and cultures that might excite nomads.


4 Homepage sketches 4 Policy management 4 Getting a quote


4 introductory screens 4 suggesting plans 4 Homepage & policy management 4 Explore & Settings


Hi fidelity app 4 Transactions 4 Treasury Management 4 Transfers 4 Transfers 4 Transfers
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